Privacy statement

    It is very important for us to comply with the current data protection regulations and laws, therefore below we discuss in detail the data protection measures of and Paddlemate Kft., as well as the processes related to data collection.
    We developed this Privacy Policy to provide you with information on how we process your personal data when you use the PaddleMate Analytics website and mobile app and PaddleMate performance measurement devices or other devices that are compatible with PaddleMate App.
    The data is controlled by Paddlemate Kft., and this company is responsible for handling personal data.
    Contact information:
    Full legal name: Paddlemate Korlátolt  Felelősségű Társaság
    E-mail address:
    Postal address: 2651 Rétság, Piac tér 10 
    Personal data is the information that clearly allows an individual to be accurately identified.
    On site, we process the following personal information, with the communication of its exact legal basis. The legal grounds for processing personal data specified in this Privacy Policy are based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and laws in other jurisdictions that have similar grounds.
    Categories of Personal Data Processed by PaddleMate

    Personal data that is processed when you create a PaddleMate account:
    When you create a PaddleMate account, we ask you to provide your email address, name, and password. You can choose to provide only your first name or a nickname instead of your full name if you wish. We may also ask you to provide your mobile phone number.


    • We process your email address and password because you use your email address and password to sign in to your account. The legal ground for processing your email address and password for this purpose is our legitimate interest in protecting the security of your account. If you enable two-factor authentication, we process your mobile phone number or email address to send the security code via SMS or email. The legal ground for processing this information for this purpose is our legitimate interest in protecting the security of your account. If you reside in mainland China, we process your mobile phone number for purposes of real name authentication.
    • We also process your email address for the purpose of sending you important information about your PaddleMate products, services, apps, or accounts, such as important safety information or material changes to this Privacy Policy. The name you provide is associated with your account profile and is displayed when you submit comments or other material on our websites or apps or engage with other users. The legal ground for processing your email address and name for these purposes is our legitimate interest in providing you important safety or other information about your PaddleMate products, services, apps, or account or material changes to this Privacy Policy and in providing you an opportunity to engage with other users.
    • If you provide your opt-in consent to receiving marketing information from us, we will also process your email address for the purpose of sending you marketing information about our products, services, and apps, as well as newsletters. The legal ground for processing your email address for this purpose is your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time by changing your preferences in your PaddleMate account or through the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our marketing emails. The marketing emails you receive from us are based on the preferences you provide in your PaddleMate account, the locale indicated by your Internet Protocol (IP) address, the types of PaddleMate devices you have added to your PaddleMate account, and any subscriptions included in your PaddleMate account. The legal ground for processing this data for this purpose is our legitimate interest in reducing the number of marketing emails sent to each particular customer by selecting which customers receive a particular marketing email rather than sending every marketing email to every customer who has consented to receiving marketing emails. If you reside in mainland China, we may use your mobile phone number to send you marketing communications via SMS.
    • We also process your email address to associate it with your PaddleMate account when you interact with our customer support representatives. The legal ground for this processing is our legitimate interest in providing quality customer support.
    • We also process your email address to notify customers when they have violated our terms. The legal ground for this processing is our legitimate interest in ensuring a quality experience for all customers and ensuring adherence to our terms.
  3. Additional personal data that is processed if you choose to provide it when you create a profile:
    You can add additional information to your profile, such as your location, types of activities you participate in (e.g., canoeing, dragon boating, kayaking, outrigger canoeing, rowing, sculling, SUP-ing), a photo, your gender, birthdate, height, and weight.
    This information is used to calculate the calories you burn during an activity and to enable you to show your Coach or Connections the types of activities you participate in if you wish. The legal ground for processing this information for these purposes is your consent. You can withdraw your consent by deleting this information from your account profile.
    Personal data that is processed when you choose to upload or add your data to your PaddleMate account:
    You can choose to upload from your device or, in some cases, manually add activities (e.g., e.g., canoeing, dragon boating, kayaking, outrigger canoeing, rowing, sculling, SUP ect.) and activity data (e.g., distance, pace, activity time, calories burned, heart rate, location) to your PaddleMate account. You can use your device without providing your consent to upload your activities to your PaddleMate account. If you choose to add your activities to your PaddleMate account, you control whether others can see your activity data by managing the privacy settings in your PaddleMate account. Your activity data is set to “Private” by default.
    • We process this data, if you choose to upload or add it to your PaddleMate account, to enable you to analyze this data, identify any PaddleMate devices used to collect data during the activity, see your location on your activity course and segment maps, see your heart rate related metrics. If you reside in the EEA, U.K., or Switzerland, the legal ground for this processing is your explicit consent, which you can withdraw at any time within your PaddleMate account.
    • We also process this data, if you choose to upload or add it to your PaddleMate account, in an aggregated manner to analyze usage and trends and develop or improve features and services. The legal ground for this processing is our legitimate interest in providing relevant and quality features and services.
    • If you choose to upload or add this data to your PaddleMate account and you are opted in to product improvement, we will process this data for research and development purposes internally to help us build better and more relevant PaddleMate products and services. If you reside in the EEA, U.K., or Switzerland, the legal ground for processing this data for this purpose is your explicit consent, which you can withdraw at any time within your PaddleMate account.
  4. Personal data that is processed when you sync your PaddleMate device:
    When you sync your device through the PaddleMate website or mobile app, we log data about the transmission, such as the IP address used when syncing, the sync time and date, crash/diagnostic logs, geographic location of the device, information about your device, information about the network used to sync (e.g., Wi-Fi or cellular), and device battery level.


    We process this information to help identify and resolve errors or syncing issues. The legal ground for processing this information for this purpose is our legitimate interest in resolving errors or syncing issues and providing quality product support. We also process this information to analyze usage and trends and develop or improve features and services. The legal ground for this processing is our legitimate interest in providing relevant and quality features and services.
    Personal data that is processed when you are a real-time tracking:
    If a PaddleMate user sends you an invitation to track their location or activity in real time (e.g., via the Live feature), they provide us your phone number or email address.
    We use this information to send you the real-time tracking information. The legal ground for processing this information for these purposes is our legitimate interest in enabling our users to send real-time tracking information to their friends and family.

    This includes any message you send to us through the website, e-mail, social media message, or any other form of communication.
    We process and retain this information so that we can fulfill your orders and provide a basis for decision in case of any legal claims.
    Our legal basis for processing this is the user’s demonstrable interest in our activity, which is reflected in the messages addressed to us.

    This includes all information related to the purchase of products and services, such as the customer’s name, shipping and billing address, email address, telephone number, details of the product purchased.
    We process this information in order to successfully complete your orders and to have legally correct records of your purchases.
    The legal basis for storing the data is the fulfillment of the contract concluded between the customer and Paddlemate Kft. by the placement of the order.

    This includes data generated during the use of the website that allows the technical operation of the site, to keep the site secure, to store backups of user activity, and to always enable access to the most relevant content possible.
    The legal basis for the processing of data is the clear interest of the user in our activities, which requires the storage of this data in order to ensure it and the technical operation of the site.

    This includes information generated during the use of the page, such as IP address, login information, browser information, time of visit for each page, page views and navigation paths, number and time of page visits, time zones, and device information used to view the page.
    The source of the data is our analytical software.
    We process this data to analyze user habits on the site, to keep our site secure, and to understand the usefulness of each of our marketing decisions.
    The legal basis for processing the data is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business, and to operate more efficiently.

    It includes visitor preferences, the specific marketing content visitors welcome from us. We process this information to allow you to participate in sweepstakes and to send advertisements related to our products / services that the user has expressed interest in.
    The legal basis for processing the data is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business, and to operate more efficiently.
    The information we collect may be used from time to time to provide targeted, relevant advertisements on the Facebook, TikTok and Instagram platform and various dynamic advertising platforms, and to measure the effective performance of the advertisements.
    The legal basis for processing the data is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business, and to operate more efficiently.
    In the course of our activities, we do not collect sensitive data such as ethnicity, religious beliefs, sex life and orientation, political opinions and union membership.

    Categories of Recipients of Personal Data

    Your activities and activity data associated with your PaddleMate account are set to “Private” by default. You may decide to allow others to view your activities and activity data by changing the privacy settings in your PaddleMate account.

    PaddleMate devices include features, such as Live data stream, that enable you to send a link to people of your choice that allows them to see the real-time location of your device. Because anyone with access to the link will be able to see the real-time location of your PaddleMate device, you should use caution in determining to whom you want to send the link and be sure that you trust them to not send the link to others whom you do not want to be able to view the location of your PaddleMate device. 

    We may collect personal information by the user providing it to us directly (for example, by placing an order or sending a message).
    In addition, certain information is collected automatically by using the site, for example through so-called “cookies” and similar technologies. They will only take effect after the user has given their consent.
    Please see our Cookie Statement for more information.
    We receive certain data from external partners, such as analytics providers like Google (a non-EU partner), ad networks such as Facebook™ (a non-EU partner), and payment partners such as PayPal, Stripe (a non-EU partner) or Barion. 
    The protection of users’ data and compliance with the regulations in force is extremely important for Paddlemate Kft. Therefore, following a data protection impact assessment on the site, we have compiled a list of the data collected, their necessity and legal basis, and their legal compliance.
    • To protect the information provided on the forms and generated on the site, we use SSL certification throughout the website (Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 certification).
    • To protect the site from attack, we use premium security software (iThemes Security Pro) to protect the stored data against so-called “brute force” and virus attacks.
    • Purchase and user data in the database of the site is stored in encrypted form (pseudonymised) so that it cannot be read by third parties.
    • In this Privacy Statement, we allow users to request information about the processing of their personal information, and to modify or delete their personal information through forms.
  7. Sometimes it is necessary to provide data to our service partners (e.g. hosting provider, courier company, newsletter software) in order to perform our activities.
    In these cases, we always choose partners who comply with the GDPR Regulation, and, in the case of US-based partners, select ones who participate in the EU-US Privacy Shield Privacy Initiative, and we sign a data management agreement with them to ensure that the data is handled responsibly. 
    Performing marketing communication activities is essential to the operation of our business. The legal basis for this data processing is the demonstration of interest in our services or the expressed consent of users.
    In accordance with the European Union’s Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), we send marketing messages to our users if they have purchased from us or expressly consented to receive marketing messages.
    In all cases, we clearly communicate how to suspend your consent and unsubscribe from messages. There is a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each email, or you can request your removal from the database at
    We may send you messages after you unsubscribe from marketing communications, but only regarding the fulfillment of your orders. 
    It is sometimes necessary to share certain personal information with some of our partners in order to perform general business activity:
    • IT service providers and service providers for troubleshooting and maintenance of computer systems
    • Expert partners such as lawyers, accountants, bankers, insurers
    • Government agencies that request a report on our activities
    • Payment service providers who securely handle credit card information
    • Courier services who fulfill incoming orders to the provided shipping address
  10. International data transfers
    We sometimes need to share user data with service provider partners outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in order to perform our business activities.
    In many cases, non-EEA countries do not provide the same level of data protection, therefore European laws prohibit the export of data unless the appropriate conditions are met.
    Whenever personal data is transferred outside the EEA, in addition to the steps discussed in section 4, we implement the following measures to ensure the secure processing of the data:
    • We only transfer data to countries that the European Commission deems appropriate for data security purposes.
    • We only use US-based services that are part of an EU-US Privacy Shield security initiative.
  11. If the above conditions are not met, users will be required to give their express consent to the data transfer. Consent may be revoked at any time.
    Links to external sites
    This page occasionally contains links to external pages, or snippets of code embedded in the page that make external services work.
    Clicking on these links or using embedded solutions may allow external partners to collect data about users.
    While we make every effort to properly review our partners, we have no control over their privacy policies, therefore we are not responsible for their privacy practices. 
    We only store user data for as long as our legal / accounting / reporting obligations make it mandatory or necessary for the operation of our business activities.
    When deciding on the duration of storage, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the data and the potential impact of a leak in the event of a privacy incident.
    For tax reasons, we are required to retain customer billing and purchase information for at least 8 years in order to meet our legal obligations.
    Under certain circumstances, we may use the data in an anonymized form for statistical purposes, in which case we will store the data indefinitely without providing further information. 
    As a citizen of the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives users of the site the following rights:
    • Access to personal data
  14. Users of the site have the right to request a copy of their personal data stored by Paddlemate Kft. The request will normally be processed free of charge within 14 days of the request.
    In the event of repeated, unreasonable data requests, or if it suggests data misuse, Paddlemate Kft. may charge a moderate amount to provide the data, and additional time may be required to provide the data.
    Furthermore, Paddlemate Kft. requests proof of identity before releasing the data in order to prevent misuse. To request personal information, please use the contact form below:
    Data Request / Data Deletion / Data Restriction
    Data request type
    • Data request
    • Change personal data
    • Delete personal data
  15. GDPR consent
    I consent to Paddlemate Kft. handling my personal data in connection with the data request.
    Send data request
    • Modification of personal data
  16. If personal data has been changed or entered incorrectly, users have the right to request that the data be modified. To change your personal information, please contact us at
    • Request the deletion of personal data
  17. Users have the right to request the deletion of all their personal data. The request will be fulfilled free of charge within 14 days of the request. After deleting personal data, the user account will not be available, so any purchased materials will become inaccessible, as the personal data associated with the user account is essential to access the service.
    Paddlemate Kft. requests proof of identity before deleting personal data in order to prevent misuse. To delete personal information, please use the contact form above.
    • Request a restriction on the processing of personal data
  18. Users have the right to restrict the disclosure of their data to third parties (service partners) upon request. When submitting the request, the service partners to be restricted can also be named.
    It is important to note that cooperation with certain service providers is essential for the operation of the site (e.g. Barion as a payment service provider), therefore if they are restricted, their services on the site will be unavailable to the user.
    Paddlemate Kft. requests proof of identity before restricting the transfer of personal data in order to prevent misuse. To restrict the transfer of personal data, please use the contact form above:
    In Hungary, the official body dealing with data protection is the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (NAIH). Users can find out more about their privacy rights on the NAIH website.
    National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information,
    1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C., Postal address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5.,
    Telephone: 06.1.391.1400,
    Fax: 06.1.391.1410,
    We use so-called “cookies” and similar technologies, such as tracking codes, remarketing tags, pixels on the site, in email messages and advertisements, which are activated after the user’s consent.
    These technologies help us better understand the behavior and interests of our users, thus helping us to operate at a higher standard and more efficiently.
    Our goal is to make the use of the Paddlemate website and app as user-friendly and personal as possible. If the user wishes to prohibit the recording of non-personal data by these technologies, this can be done in the following ways:
    • cookie warnings on the website can be used to disable their loading
    • by disabling “cookies” in your browser
  20. You can find more information about the additional cookies and tracking codes on this website in our Cookie Statement.
    Last Updated: , 2022
    Your privacy is important to PaddleMate. This Cookie Policy provides you with information on our usage of cookies and similar technologies on our websites that reference it, such as, and describes how you can manage your cookie preferences.
    To find information on our processing of personal data related to website functionality (such as making a purchase) or other PaddleMate products, services, or desktop or mobile applications, please click here to review our privacy policies.
    What are cookies?
    Cookies are small files stored on your device when you visit a website. Cookies can perform a variety of functions, such as remembering your information so that you do not have to enter it again or supporting shopping cart functionality. Similar technologies, such as pixels, web beacons, or clear GIFs, may also be used. For simplicity, all of these technologies will be referred to as “cookies” in this policy. Cookies may either be placed by the website operator (first-party cookies) or placed by another party, such as a search engine, business partner, or advertising network (third-party cookies). Some cookies expire when you close your browser tab or window (session cookies), and others remain until they expire or are deleted (persistent cookies).
    If you want to learn more about cookies in general, you can visit informational websites, such as or
    Our Use of Cookies
    We use cookies for the following purposes:
    • Facilitating site functionality and giving you the best experience possible;
    • Identifying and fixing problems with the website;
    • Analyzing how you and other visitors navigate our websites and compiling aggregated statistics about site usage and response rates so that we can better understand our user base, allowing us to provide relevant content and functionality and improve users’ experiences;
    • Remembering your preferences;
    • Preventing and detecting fraudulent activity;
    • Securing the website and your data; and
    • Understanding the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns, including affiliate marketing, and improving our search engine optimization.
  21. We collect information, directly or through third-party providers, through cookies, including:
    • Network or connection information, such as your IP address;
    • Device information, such as your browser type and version, language, time zone, operating system and version, or location; or
    • Usage information, such as time and date of your visit, products purchased, or page views or clicks.
  22. PaddleMate also uses third-party services to facilitate cookies, cookie management, and related programs and to monitor website and service performance:
    • We use  in some regions, Google Tag Manager to help us manage cookies. To provide this service, Google receive basic server log information from our websites (e.g., IP address, browser and operating system information).
    • We use third-party advertising platforms and services, such as Microsoft AdvertisingGoogle Marketing PlatformFacebook Advertising, to market to users and understand the effectiveness and reach of our advertising campaigns.
  23. The information PaddleMate receives through third-party providers and services is pseudonymized or de-identified. These third-party providers and services may, however, collect and store the information in an identified manner in their systems, including to track users over time and across third-party sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies for these third-party services or providers to get further information about their privacy practices or to exercise any rights under local laws.
    Our cookies are organized into three categories as described below. You can review a list of cookies within each of these categories by clicking “Cookie Preferences” in the bottom left corner of our website when this option is available. Your browser may provide additional information about each cookie, such as the expiration date.

    These cookies are required for the site to perform basic functions, such as recognizing your sign in credentials, protecting your information, or updating your shopping cart. Most cookies in this category are session cookies.
    Any personal data from Required Cookies will be retained in an identified manner by PaddleMate only as long as needed for monitoring, logging, and compliance purposes.
    The legal ground for processing this personal data for these purposes is our legitimate interest in ensuring that our website functions as intended and in a secure manner and honoring users’ choices and preferences.

    These cookies help us to analyze site usage and site performance with analytics and perform other basic functions, such as remembering your location or language preference. While most cookies in this category are session cookies, some cookies persist for a longer period of time due to the purpose.
    Any personal data from Functional Cookies will be retained in an identified manner by PaddleMate only as long as needed for purposes of analysis.
    Where required by law, the legal ground for processing this personal data is your consent, which you can revoke at any time by managing your cookie preferences as described below.

    These cookies are used to facilitate advertising on partner websites and social media, such as personalizing the advertisements that you see or evaluating effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Most cookies in this category persist for 30 to 90 days, though a few persist for a shorter or longer time.
    Any personal data from Advertising Cookies will be retained in an identified manner by PaddleMate only as long as needed for purposes of analysis.
    Where required by law, the legal ground for processing this personal data is your consent, which you can revoke at any time by managing your cookie preferences as described below.
    Managing Your Cookie Preferences
    There are many ways for you to manage your cookie preferences. Please note that your cookie choices are device- and browser-specific, so you will need to perform these actions on each device and browser where you want the settings to apply. If you clear your cookies or use a different browser or device, you will need to set your preferences again.

    Where required by law, we provide the opportunity to manage your cookie preferences on our websites at any time by clicking “Cookie Preferences” in the bottom left corner of the page. You can accept all cookies, decline all but Required Cookies, or manage your preferences more specifically. Required Cookies cannot be disabled through this tool, but Functional Cookies and Advertising Cookies can be enabled or disabled. Our websites do not respond to “Do Not Track” signals.

    Most browsers include settings that allow you to automatically accept or reject cookies or be asked each time whether you wish to accept or reject cookies. Please note that our website and services may not function properly if your browser blocks all cookies. The following links may help you get more information on how to manage your cookie settings for your preferred browser:

    Where third parties collect information through cookies, such as for targeted advertisements, you may also be able to opt out of these practices specifically.
    • Google Analyticsand Google Data Studio are used to track statistics and user demographics, interests, and behavior on websites. We also use Google Search Console to help understand how our website visitors find our website and to improve search engine optimization. Click here to learn more about how this information may be used, how to control the use of your information, or how to opt out of this collection and use of your information.
    • Hotjar web analytics is used to measure and evaluate site usage behavior, such as mouse clicks, mouse movements, keystrokes (excluding personally identifiable information), scrolling activity, and pages visited or actions taken on the website. You can read more about Hotjar in their privacy policy, or click here to opt outof having Hotjar track your site usage behavior.
    • Third-party social networks that provide interactive plug-ins or social networking features (e.g., to allow you to connect to social media, such as FacebookGoogle) may use cookies to gather information regarding your use of our websites and relate this to personal information they already have. We encourage you to carefully review the privacy policy of these third-party social networks, which may provide additional ways to opt out of this collection and use of your information.
  25. You can also visit the following sites to opt out of interest-based or behavioral advertising:
    • For users in the U.S., the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) provides an opt-out pageand a mobile application called AppChoices. The Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) also provides an opt-out page.
    • For users in Canada, the DAA provides an opt-out pageand a mobile application called AppChoices.
    • For users in Europe, the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) provides an opt-out page.
  26. Further Information
    If you have questions or need assistance, you can reach out to our third-party providers and services or review our privacy policies for more information about how we process personal data and how to contact us.
    We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time as we improve our current offerings and as technologies and laws change. You can determine when this Cookie Policy was last revised by referring to the “Last Updated” legend at the top of this page. Any changes will become effective upon our posting of the revised Cookie Policy.
    All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.